The Vogleski center lies high above the magnificent Lake Bohinj, in the heart of protected territory of the Triglav National Park. The beginnings of skiing date back in 1964. The cable car was renovated in 2001 and has the capacity of 950 persons per hour. From the foot of the mountain (nor far from the Lake Bohinj) you are lifted to the altitude of 1535 m above sea level, from where you can enjoy an incredible panoramic view of the Triglav mountain range, all the way to the Kamnik Alps.
Italija / Trentino-Južni Tirol / Campitello di Fassa / Koča Friedrich August spletna kamera Campitello di Fassa (TN) – Dolomiti
Slovenija / Gorenjska / Krvavec / Krvavec webcam livestreaming
Poljska / Donjošlesko vojvodstvo / Spalona / Web kamera Spalona – skijaški center u živo planine Bystrzycki
Slovenija / Gorenjska / Železniki / Webcam uživo skijalište Rudno – Slovenija
Hrvatska / Primorsko-Goranska / Platak / Skijalište Platak
Italija / Podravje / Maribor / Skijalište Pohorje Maribor – Pisker (donja)
Austrija / Vorarlberg / Gaschurn / Gaschurn Web kamera Hotel Nova – Montafon
Slovenija / Gorenjska / Bohinj / Web Kamera Skijalište Vogel
Italija / Furlanija-Julijska Krajina / Zoncolan / Skijalište Zoncolan – Al Cubo